Capillary electrophoresis
- IgG is the strongest immunoglobulin fraction in blood serum.
The greatest significance of IgG lies in the antibody-mediated
immune response. Due to its small size, IgG can diffuse from
the capillariesand,
thus, has an additional relevance in immune
reactions in tissue spaces and on the body surface.
- Newborns: At birth, foals, calves and piglets have only marginal
IgG content in the blood. They mainly take up IgG via the
colostrum. IgG content is therefore an indicator for a sufficient
supply of colostrum.
- Foals: The lack of maternal antibodies is one of the most
factors for infectious diseases in foals.
IgG determination in the blood of newborn foals allows for a timely
diagnosis – before infections occur – as well as the initiationof
therapeutic measures.
Species Dog, cat, horse, foal, cattle, calf, lamb, pig (only on request)