Warmblood Fragile Foal Syndrome ( WFFS / FFS )
Test number: 8470 (this test number replaces the old 8305H)
Gene: WFFS Price: £ 48.00 (including VAT)
Update June 2018 |
LABOKLIN now holds the exclusive license to test for WFFS in the United Kingdom. The license was granted by Cornell University. On this occasion and for limited time only we are pleased to offer the WFFS test at a very attractive price. The price now is £48.00 including VAT (reduced from £84.00).
Paint Horse
Quarter Horse (Horse with quarter horse blood)
The Disease |
Warmblood Fragile Foal Syndrome (WFFS) is an inherited systemic connective tissue disorder that is prevalent in Warmblood horses. Skin lacks tensile strength (extreme skin fragility characterized by tearing, ulceration, etc. from contact with normal surroundings). Lesions occur anywhere on the body, but are most noted on pressure points and in addition to skin wounds, lesions are found on the gums and other oral cavity mucous membranes and the perineum. Limb joints are lax and hyperextensible. Fetlocks are the most dramatically affected and affected foals cannot stand normally. Affected foals must be euthanized soon after birth. Research at the Cornell University has identified the gene responsible for the condition known as WFFS. LABOKLIN has exclusive license to offer the WFFS DNA test in Europe.
Sample Requirements |
Hair Sample from mane with roots (approx 30 hairs) or 1 ml whole blood in EDTA tube.
How to obtain a viable hair sample
Pull around 30 hairs from the mane of the horse with the roots (in faols hair from the tail maybe taken). Wrap the hairs around your finger or a comb, as close as possible to the skin to ensure you obtain the hair roots. Keep dry, put in a bag, label the bag with the horse name, test (s) required. Place in an envelope and send back to us together with the order form. Broken or cut off hair will not be accepted.
£ 48.00 (including VAT)